The ‘Simply Amazing’ Invention Aimed at Helping ‘Novices Learn to Play the Piano Without Reading Music’

An invention aimed at helping beginners learn how to play the piano took the Internet by storm this week after a video showing how it works was widely circulated.

The device, formally called the Projected Instrument Augmentation System, was developed in Germany and projects a stream of colorful blocks representing notes onto the piano in a manner resembling popular video games like Guitar Hero.

“A colourful keyboard projection system helps novices learn to play the piano without reading music,” the New Scientist said of the invention on YouTube.

The demonstration of the device was published online last year, but was widely circulated this week after gaining attention on Reddit.

“Simply amazing,” one individual commented on YouTube.

“I wish I had this,” echoed another.


Watch the Demonstration:


Read the whole article here:

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